
Project 52:7--bath buddies

More iPhone Instagram app pics. :-) Noah took a bath in our tub for the first time since he was an infant. At first, he freaked. But as soon as we brought in the reinforcements, all was well. Hooray for bath buddies! They make hair washing better, not completely tear-free...but better.


Project 52:6--a valentine

I love this picture. It's not the best photography-wise (taken with Instagram via iPhone), but it's one of those that just gets me. Randy and I have been together for 10 years, married about 7 and 1/2. "I love our life" has been a frequently spoken phrase between us since the beginning. He is the love of my life I never expected to have. Oh, I expected to fall in love. Lord (and anyone who knew me from junior high in my sappy poetry days) knows I sought after that like a blind mouse seeks her last bite of cheese. Never in my imagination could I have picked this winner. That's why I always suggest When God Writes Your Love Story to any fellow love-seekers. HE is truly the best match-maker. Randy has helped me grow in my weaknesses and celebrate in my strengths. And all from love. No, everything's not always perfect. In fact, nothing is. Ever. And I hope it stays that way. So this Valentine's Day I'm counting all my quirky, off-beat blessings and thanking God for our little life.


Project 52:5--baby pink

A few weeks ago (yes, I'm pulling photos from weeks ago since I'm sans camera right now...getting a dslr!), Noah and I visited my friend, Chelsea, and her new baby, Miranda. When we first arrived, Miranda was asleep in her swing, and Noah was cool with it. But I'm telling you, the MINUTE I got her in my arms, Noah wasn't having it. Not. At. All. "Baby go night night." Noah's repeated phrase. Followed by, "Mama, hold you" and crawling in my lap. A foretaste of things to come? Hopefully not. Hopefully, by the time he's a big brother he'll react differently to a babe in my arms. We shall see. The sweetest moment of the visit for me was when Noah finally warmed up to Miranda and volunteered to help Chelsea change her. Boy, when there's a task that involves wipes, Noah's your man.

I love this picture. I'm new to newborn photography, but man, I can tell I'm gonna like it. You almost can't take a bad picture when there's a baby in it. Well, ok, you can. Check out my discard pile for proof. And, did I mention..it's got pink in it. PINK! If you know me, you know that I someday hope to have a girl of my own. And she will wear pink. At least a little bit. :-) It's not my favorite color. In fact, aqua is. But, I guess the fact that I've been surrounded by boy stuff for so long has me vying for the hue. And it reminds me of spring. And I'm so ready for spring. Flowers, warmth, blue skies, sunshine, playing outside, gardening, growth.

Sweet, Miranda, I can't wait to see you grow. :-)